Contact Us
Mrs. Jamie Strauss
Mrs. Kristine Krieger
Assistant Principal/Virtual Director
Contact Us
(7:30AM - 4:00PM)
(989) 868-4191
(989) 868-4091
Ms. Corynn Diedrich
Attendance Secretary
Ms. Megan King
Quick Links
Your Effort + Your Choices = Your Future
You Make A Difference Reese Middle School!
The mission of Reese Middle School is to facilitate the transition of every student from the elementary level to the high school level. We are committed to addressing the unique needs of the middle school learner by providing a safe, supportive environment that fosters intellectual, emotional and social growth.
The Spring Break for Reese Public Schools is March 31-April 4.
Breakfast is free to all students at all buildings at RPS. Breakfast is not available in MS/HS classrooms now, it can be found at 3 breakfast stations, the regular hot lunch line, and 2 carts in the hallways, from 7:35 am-8 am Please remind your student to take advantage of this
program giving them a warm morning start. Also, we are offering a 2nd chance to get breakfast between 1st & 2nd hours, but you may only get 1 free breakfast per day.
Questions please call Jamie Strauss and Kristine Krieger at 868-4191
Parents: Please contact us if you have not yet signed up for the Parent Skyward so you can access your child's grades online. If you are "locked out", we can help you with that too!
We are Reese Middle School!
8th grade Washington DC Trip
This Washington DC Trip is April 24-27, 2025. Questions?
Supply Lists
2024-2025 Recommended Supply List
Breakfast is free for ALL students!
Please download the application below or contact the office if you would like to apply for Free/Reduced lunch. Free/Reduced lunch status will remain private! Applications may be turned in to the office or mailed to Reese Public Schools, Attn: Food Service, Box 389, Reese, MI 48757
Free/Reduced Lunch Application (in PDF)